Smarty's Official Blog
There's a reason why donuts and apple cocktails are my weaknesses. Want to see what happens when you combine the flavors? Yea, that's what I thought.
A very useful DIY party favor project. Enjoy your time spent to make these beautiful coasters.
Frozen pineapple mimosas are refreshing and are sure to cool you down this summer! To make things even better, there is a kid-friendly version so that the kiddos get a tasty treat too.
As we rap up the year and begin to make the transition into a new one, ours is to share a few winter party inspirations. These rustic pieces can also ease you into Spring and Summer when surrounded by green moss instead of snow.
An absolute treat for the eyes as much as yummy for the tummy. Enjoy this amazing recipe Smarties!
Something you would probably never think of and, for sure, have never tried before... Enjoy Smarties!