Stylish Napkin Folds for Upscale Occasions
One of the ways to everybody talk about your celebration for months after it is a good table decoration.
A beautifully decorated party table will undoubtedly improve the impression of the dish served and the overall ambiance. But, table decoration does not only mean choosing tablecloths, plates, drinkware, and cutlery but also some imagination and creativity to add a personal touch. Therefore, we suggest that you enchant your party guests with the way you will arrange the napkins.
Disposable paper napkins are an inevitable part of every party table, so if you don't have any excessive decoration, napkins are ideal for making the table look more attractive and festive. Napkin decorations give the table a touch of elegance and sophistication, and they can also be practical - cutlery can be placed in them.
If you are hosting a party, special occasion, or professionally catered event this season, it is important to never miss out on even the tiniest table setting details. All the items on the table should complement each other. For example, the colors of the napkins and the table cloths should contrast each other. Disposable elegant napkins add to the beauty and color of a party table and make it aesthetically more pleasing. Folding a napkin elegantly serves as a finishing touch to the table setting and can take your table from ordinary to extraordinary in no time.
Elegant napkin folding depicts an art that elevates the beauty of your party table. Spice up your ordinary table with our fancy paper napkins and elegant linen napkins. These elegant disposable napkins are made from fine threads, which allows them to hold the folding well. Take your hosting skills to a whole new level with these genius ideas of folding your elegant linen napkins like a pro.
Valentine’s Day Napkin Fold
It is one of the simplest ways of folding the napkin. First, make a basic envelope out of a red-colored fancy paper napkin. Then, cut hearts out of a white napkin and attach them to the envelope to complete the lovely valentine's day napkin.
Bow-Tie Fold
The Bowtie napkin fold looks perfect on a formal occasion and gives that professional vibe. Take our disposable paper napkin, and fold the bottom up and the top down to make their ends meet in the middle. Now fold the opposite sides to make a square. Next, invert the napkin and pinch it in the center to form three folds. Finally, move the ring to the center to have that expert bowtie fold.
The Rose
The rose gold is an artistic fold to the fancy paper napkins is the rose fold - it looks gorgeous and adorns the tableware. To make this shape, put a fork in the middle of the elegant disposable napkins and twist it until you get a perfect rose fold.
The Angled Pocket
Take a disposable paper napkin and fold it into two halves, first left to right and then bottom to the top. Take the top right corner of the first layer and bring it down to the bottom left corner. Invert the napkin and fold it into thirds. Flip the napkin again, and there will be a nice pocket where you can put flowers or a menu to grace the looks.
Lotus Flower
Fold an elegant linen napkin half diagonally both ways, pressing to the crease and pressing all the folds. Then, open the napkin and fold all the corners towards the center. It should create a square. Next, invert the napkin and fold the corners to meet at the center. There you have it, a perfect lotus napkin fold.
Cone Napkin Folds
Fold a disposable paper napkin in half diagonally and then fold the bottom corners up to meet the upper corner. Next, flip and fold the lower corner up two-thirds of the way. Finally, fold the right and left corners back. You will have a beautiful cone fold ready.
Butterfly Napkin Fold
Maybe one of the loveliest napkin fold ideas, suitable for every special occasion you are planning to organize, including baby showers, bridal bashes, birthday parties, anniversaries, or even the glamorous wedding receptions. Fold one edge into the center and then the other. Turn the napkin over and spread out the top layer on one side and then the other. Tuck the top corner under the central flap. Pinch the center to form the butterfly body.
Tricks & Tips
When it comes to table decoration, you should know to combine the color of the tablecloth with the colors of napkins. Red and gold colors go well together, and the inevitable white and red and cutlery, which you may keep since the wedding, feel free to decorate with elegantly tied. Even cotton napkins will look like napkin decorations on the table, or you can use various decorative so-called. Napkin rings. But don't forget that even ordinary white plates can look very elegant and solemn if you add a colored napkin.
If you decide on the red color for tablecloths and napkins, you will certainly not be wrong because red is the color of happiness and a symbol of joy, but if you decide on white, you will not be wrong because white is the color of the ceremony.
About the silver, or the silver tablecloth with spilled pearls on the table and the decorative large silver balls placed on the table, again, you won't go wrong, and it will be great.
Various but also harmonious combinations will play a magical role in your home. Along with red and green, as beginner decorative colors, combine white and silver colors that give a luxurious look. In any case, let your imagination run wild and forget about boundaries. The only limits are in your mind. Indulge yourself and enjoy the very act of decorating.
Party on, Smarties! With love Smarty had a Party!