Smartified Awesome Party Invitations
Ahoy Smarties! I smell that something amazing is cooking…
If the reason for that is you’re planning a party then this is the best time for me to give you a very useful tip. When inviting your guests, sure, the easiest way is to text everyone: “Party at my house”, however if yours is just a bit more serious event, an invitation is a must. So, here are a few hints on how to easily create a perfect party invitation.
Everything on time
Very important is to send out the invitations in time, for people to plan and imply it into their schedule, figure all the other technicalities out and make it to your party. If it’s a birthday party or a general celebration it’s quite ok to send invitations three weeks before the event. For some more serious events it would be good to send them between three and six weeks before, but for a wedding the best would be to send the invitations about 2-3 months prior to the event.
Writer's inspiration
Writing an invitation is mostly easy and creatively flexible, but there are, though, some things, important to remember and include. Those are who, what, when and where.
Who? - This is where you tell your invitees who the guest of honor and the host are.
What? - Make sure to explain what the invitation is for.
When? - Tell your guest when will the event happen.
Where? - The venue. Of course everyone needs to know where the party is taking place.
Additionally - If you need them to, mostly everyone does, ask your potential guests to RSVP to your invitation.
The first impression is all about the looks

There used to be time when we were writing letters, placed them into envelopes, and sent them away. With modern technology, and endless possibilities online, your invitation can, and is supposed to, look interesting, modern and classy. Here are a few places you can get some ideas or even completely create your final invitation look:
Depending on the time prior to the event that you sent out your invitations make sure to give your guests some space to organize and plan their attendance. The time of their response can be from 6 up to one week after they got their invitations. It’s quite simple - depends on how much time in advance did you send them :)